Recent Publications
Award:Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury, in the Special Edition 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days
The team led by Professor Cheah Kok-wai won the Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury, in the Special Edition 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days.
Awards:The Grand Prix International Invention Award and Gold Medal
The team led by Professor Cheah Kok-wai won the Grand Prix International Invention Award and Gold Medal
at the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva held in Switzerland from 13 to 17 April 2016.
The top prize of the event, the Grand Prix Award (also named the International Invention Award),
went to the ultra-hard anti-scratch cover for touch screen devices invented by the team led by Professor Cheah Kok-wai,
Chair Professor of the Department of Physics. This invention also received the Gold Medal in the Industrial Processes Category
and the Special Award For The Invention. Compared with the existing less durable and easily scratched glass covers on mobile devices,
this HKBU-invented non-fragile thin substrate can be applied to screens using only standard industrial deposition processes,
providing excellent scratch protection. For more details of the invention, please refer to:
HKBU patented technologies take top prizes in international invention competition

Photo1 Professor Cheah Kok-Wai
Photo2 Professor Roland Chin (fist from left) and Professor Rick Wong (second from right) congratulate Professor Cheah Kok-wai (fourth from left)
Recent Selected Publications:
Dr. Yi Jiang Dr. King Fai Li Kun Gao He Lin Dr. Hoi Lam Tam Yuan?Yuan Liu Yu Shu Prof. Ka?Leung Wong Prof. Wen?Yong Lai Prof. Kok Wai Cheah Prof. Wei Huang,
`Frequency?Upconverted Stimulated Emission by Up to Six?Photon Excitation from Highly Extended Spiro?Fused Ladder?Type Oligo(p?phenylene)s', Angew. Chem. Int Ed.60, 2-10 (2021)
Ningbin Mao, Junhong Deng, Xuecai Zhang, Yutao Tang, Mingke Jin, Yang Li, Xuan Liu, Kingfai Li, Tun Cao, Kokwai Cheah, Hong Wang, Jack Ng, and Guixin Li,
`Nonlinear Diatomic Metasurface for Real and Fourier Space Image Encoding', Nano Lett. 20, 10, 7463-7468 (2020)
Ka Y. Cheng Suet Y. Ching Kok W. Cheah
`Color generation through plasmonic coupled dissimilar nano?metals using mask free deposition ', Nano Select 2020;1:666-672 (2020)
Shumei Chen, King Fai Li, Guixin Li, Kok Wai Cheah & Shuang Zhang,
`Gigantic electric-field-induced second harmonic generation from an organic conjugated polymer enhanced by a band-edge effect ', Light: Science & Applications volume 8, Article number: 17 (2019)
CharlottePo, Chi-HangTao, King-FaiLi, Carmen Ka, ManChan, Heidi Li-KiFu, NianyongZhu, Kok-WaiCheah, Vivian Wing-WahYam,
`Design, synthesis, luminescence and non-linear optical properties of 1,3,5-triethynylbenzene-based alkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine complexes ', Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 881, Pages 13-18(2019)
Ji Young Kim, Woo Young Kim, and Kok Wai Cheah
`Quantitative analysis of charge distribution in bi-emissive layer white organic light-emitting diodes with two fluorescent dopants', Scientific Reports, 8, 3172 (2018)
Lu Zhang and K.W. Cheah
`Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Host for High Performance Organic Light-Emitting Diodes', Scientific Report, 8,8832 (2018)
Shumei Chen, Guixin Li, Kok-Wai Cheah, Thomas Zentgraf and Shuang Zhang
`Controlling the phase of optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metasurfaces', Nanophotonics, 7, 1013 (2018)
Rui Chen, Jinfeng Zhang, Jipsa Chelora, Yuan Xiong, Stephen V. Kershaw, King Fai Li, Pik-Kwan Lo, Kok Wai Cheah, Andrey L. Rogach,
Juan Antonio Zapien, and Chun-Sing Lee
`Ruthenium(II) Complex Incorporated UiO-67 Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles for Enhanced Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging
and Photodynamic Cancer Therapy ', Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 5699-5708(2017).
Fatemeh Hosseini Alast, Guixin Li, and Kok Wai Cheah
`Rabi-like splitting from large area plasmonic microcavity ', AIP ADVANCES, 7, 085201(2017).
Guixin Li, Lin Wu, King F. Li, Shumei Chen, Christian Schlickriede, Zhengji Xu, Siya Huang, Wendi Li,
Yanjun Liu, Edwin Y. B Pun, Thomas Zentgraf, Kok W. Cheah, Yu Luo, and Shuang Zhang,
`Nonlinear Metasurface for Simultaneous Control of Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum in Second Harmonic
Generation ', Nano Lett, 17, 7974-7979(2017).
Shumei Chen, Yuan Cai, Guixin Li, Shuang Zhang, and Kok Wai Cheah
`Geometric metasurface fork gratings for vortex-beam generation and manipulation ', Laser Photonics, 1-5 (2016).
Yiren Xia, O. Yin Wan, and Kok Wai Cheah
`OLED for human centric lighting ', Optical Materials Express, 1905-1913 (2016).
Shumei Chen, Franziska Zeuner, Martin Weismann, Bernhard Reineke, Guixin Li, Ventsislav Kolev Valev, Kok Wai Cheah, Nicolae Coriolan Panoiu, Thomas Zentgraf, Shuang Zhang,
`Giant nonlinear optical activity of achiral origin in planar metasurfaces with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities ', Advanced Materials, 28, 2992-2999 (2016).
Jinfeng Zhang, Wencheng Chen, Sergii Kalytchuk, King Fai Li, Rui Chen, Chilhaya Adachi, Zhan Chen, Andrey L. Rogach, Guangyu Zhu, Peter K. N. Yu, Wenjun Zhang, Kok Wai Cheah, Xiaohong Zhang, and Chun-Sing Lee,
`Self-Assembly of Electron Donor-Acceptor-Based Carbazole Derivatives: Novel Fluorescent Organic Nanoprobes for Both One- and Two-photon Cellular Imaging ', ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8(18), pp 11355-11365 (2016).
Lei Guo, King Fai Li, Xiaoqin Zhang, Kok Wai Cheah and Man Shing Wong,
`Highly Efficient Multiphoton-Pumped Frequency-Upconversion Stimulated Blue Emission with Ultralow Threshold from Highly Extended Ladder-Type Oligo (p-phenylene)s',', Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 10639 (2016).
K.L.Chan, G. X. Li, and Kok Wai Cheah,
`Spatially variant color light source using amplified spontaneous emission from organic thin films ', Optical Materials Express, 5, 497-502 (2015).
Guixin Li, Shumei Chen, Nitipat Pholchai, Bernhard Reinehe, Polis Wing Han Wong, Edwin Yue Bun Pun, Kok Wai Cheah, Thomas
Zentgraf and Shuang Zhang,
`Continuous control of the nonlinearity phase for harmonic generations ', Nature Materials, 14, 607-612 (2015).
Lu Zhang, Chao Cai, King Fai Li, Hoi Lam Tam, Kin Long Chan, and Kok Wai Cheah
`Efficient Organic Ligh-Emitting Diode through Triplet Exciton Reharvesting by Employing Blended Electron Donor and Acceptor as the
Emissive Layer ', Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 24983-24986 (2015).
1. Xin Jiang Feng, Shao Fu Chen, Yong Ni, Man Shing Wong, Maggie M.K. Lam, Kok Wai Cheah, Guo Qiao Lai,
`Fluorene derivatives for highly efficient non-doped single-layer blue organic
light-emitting diodes ', Organic Electronics, 15, 57-64 (2014).
2. Shumei Chen, Guixin Li, Franziska Zeuner, Wing Han Wong, Edwin Yue Bun Pun, Thomas Zentgraf, Kok Wai Cheah, and Shuang Zhang,
`Symmetry-Selective Third- Harmonic Generation from Plasmonic Metactystals', Physical Review Letters, 113, 033901 (2014).
3. Gui Xin Li, Shu Mei Chen, Yuan Cai, Shuang Zhang, and Kok Wai Cheah,
`Third Harmonic Generation of Optical Vortices Using Holography-Based Gold-Fork Microstructure', Adv. Optical Mater, 2, 389-393 (2014).
4. Suet Ying Ching, Guixin Li, Hoi Lam Tam, David T.P. Goh, Joseph K.L. Goh and Kok Wai Cheah,
`Chirality in Rhomborhina Gigantea beetle', Optical Materials Express, Vol. 4, No 11, 2340-2345 (2014).
5. Jin Wook Kim, Seung II You, Nam Ho Kim, Ju-An Yoon, Kok Wai Cheah, Fu Rong Zhu & Woo Young Kim
`Study of Sequential Dexter Energy Transfer in High Efficient Phosphorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Single
Emissive Layer', Scientific Reports, 4 ,7009,(2014).
1. Wanggui Yang, Pui Shan Chan, Miu Shan Chan, King Fai Li, Pik Kwan Lo, Nai Ki Mak, Kok Wai Cheah, and Man Shing Wong,
`Two-photon fluorescence probes for imaging of mitochondria and lysosomes ', Chem. Commun. 49, 3428-3430 (2013).
Lei Guo, King Fai Li, Man Shing Wong and Kok Wai Cheah, ,
`Star-shaped ladder-type ter(p-phenylene)s for efficient multiphoton absorption
', Chem. Commun., 49, 3597-3599(2013).
3. H. L. Tam, K. W. Cheah, David T. P. Goh and Joseph K. L. Goh,`Iridescence and nano-structure differences in Papilio butterflies', Optical Material Express, 3, 1087-1092 (2013).
4. Shumei Chen, Guixin Li, Dangyuan Lei and Kok Wai Cheah,
`Efficient energy exchange between plasmon and cavity modes via Rabi-analogue splitting in a hybrid plasmonic nanocavity', Nanoscale, 5(19), 9129-9133 (2013).
5. Guixin Li, Ming Kang, Shumei Chen, Shuang Zhang, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun, K. W. CHeah,
`Spin-Enabled Plasmonic Metasurfaces for Manipulating Orbital Angular Momentum of Light', Nano Letters, 13, 4148-4151(2013).
6. Lingling Huang, Xianzhong Chen, Holger Muhlenbern, Hao Zheng, Shumei Chen, Benfeng Bai, Qiaofeng Tan, Guofan Jing, Kok Wai Cheah, Cheng-Wei Qiu,
Jensen Li, Thomas Zentgraf and Shuang Zhang, `Three-dimensional optical holography using plasmonic metasurface', Nature Communications, 4, 1-7(2013).
7. Shumei Chen, Guixin Li, Winghan Wong, Yuebun Pun and Kokwai Cheah, `Surface plasmon-enhanced third harmonic generation from Gold-polymer
hybrid plasmonic crystal', Adv Optical Mat., 1, 522-526 (2013).
1. G. X. Li, S. M. Chen, W. H. Wong, E. Y. B. Pun and K. W. Cheah, `Highly
flexible near-infrared metamaterials', Optics Express, 20, 397-402 (2012).
2. L. Luo, F. Y. Huang, G. J. Guo, P. A. Tanner, J. Chen, Y. T.
Tao, Jun Zhou, L. Y. Yuan, S. Y. Chen, Y. L. Chueh,
H. H. Fan, K. F. Li and K. W. Cheah, `Efficient doping and energy transfer from
ZnO to Eu3+ ions in Eu3+-doped ZnO nanocrystals', J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 12, 1533-1539 (2012)
3. Hai Hua Fan, Lei Guo, King Fai Li, Man Shing Wong and Kok Wai
Cheah, `Exceptionally strong multiphoton excited blue
photoluminescence and lasing from ladder-type oligo(p-phenylene)s',
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134. 7297-7300 (2012).
4. Feifei Wei, Yin Wan O, Guixin Li, Kok Wai Cheah and Zhaowei Liu, `Organic light emitting diode based plasmonic dark field microscopy',multiphoton (p-phenylene)
Optics Lett.,Vol. 37, Issue 21, 4259-4361(2012).
5. Shumei Chen, Guixin Li, Winghan Wong, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun, and Kok Wai Cheah, `Sharp plasmonic resonance on gold grating in amplitude and phase domains',
applied Optics,Vol. 51, 8563-8566(2012).
Xin Jiang Feng,
Po Lam Wu, King Fai Li, Man Shing Wong and Kok Wai Cheah, `Highly Efficient Multiphoton-Absorbing Quadrupolar
Oligomers for Frequency Upconversion', Chem. Eur. J.,
17, 2518-2526, (2011).
2. Hai Hua Fan, King Fai Li, Xiao Ling Zhang, Wanggui
Yang, Man Shing Wong and Kok Wai Cheah, `Efficient
two- to five-photon excited violet emission of calix[4]arene-based multiple donor-accepter assembly', Chem. Commun., 47,
3. Carmen Ka Man
Chan, Chi-Hang Tao, King-Fai Li, Keith Man-Chung Wong, Nianyong
Zhu, Kok-Wai Cheah, Vivian
Wing-Wah Yam, ` Synthesis, characterization, luminescence and nonlinear optical
(NLO) properties of truxene-containing platinum(II) alkynyl complexes', J. of Organometallic Chemistry. 696, 1163-1173 (2011).
4. X. Y. Chen, F. Fang, A. M. C. Ng, A. B. Djurisˇic',
K. W. Cheah, C. C. Ling, W. K. Chan, P. W. K. Fong, H. F. Lui,
and C. Surya ` Nitrogen doped-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunctions', J. Appl.
Phys., 109, 084330 (2011).
5. G. X. Li, T. Li,
K. F. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu and K. W. Cheah, `Spectral analysis of enhanced
third harmonic generation from plasmonic excitations', Appl. Phys. Letts., 98, 261909 (2011).
6. G. X. Li, Z. L.
Wang, S. M. Chen and K. W. Cheah, `Narrowband plasmonic excitation on gold
hole-array nanostructures observed using spectroscopic ellipsometer', Optics
Express, 19, 6348-6353 (2011).
7. Lei Wang, Zhi-Yong Wu, Wai-Yeung Wong, Kok-Wai Cheah, Hong Huang,
Chin H. Chen, `New blue host materials based on anthracene-containing
dibenzothiophene', Organic Electronics, 12, 595-601 (2011).
8. Guixin Li, Jensen Li, H. L. Tam, C. T. Chan and K. W. Cheah, `Near field
imaging from Multilayer Lens', Journal of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology, 11, 1-4, (2011).
9. Guixin Li,
Jensen Li and Kok Wai Cheah, `Sub-wavelength focusing using hyperbolic medium
with single slit', Applied Optics, 50,
G27-G30 (2011)..
10. X. Y. Chen, F. Fang, A. M. C. Ng, A. B. Djurisˇic',
W. K. Chan, H. F. Lui, P. W. K. Fong, C. Surya and K.
W. Cheah, `Effect of doping precursors on the optical properties of Ce-doped ZnO nanorods',
Thin Solid Films, 520, 1125-1130 (2011)
11. H. Liu, G. X.
Li, K. F. Li, S. M. Chen, S. N. Zhu, C. T. Chan and K. W. Cheah, `Linear and
non-liner Fano resonance on two-dimensional magnetic matamaterials', Phy. Rev. B, 84, 235437-1-6 (2011)
12. F. Fang, A. M. C. Ng, X. Y. Chen, A. B. Djurisˇic', K.
W. Cheah and
W. K. Chan,Lui, `Optical properties of ZnO-based core-shell nanostructures'Ce ZnO ,
Thin Solid Films, 519, 2296-2301 (2011)
13. Jinhai Huang, Bo Xu, Mei-Ki Lam, Kok-Wai Cheah,Chin H. Chen, an Jian-Hua Su,,
Lui `Unsymmetrically amorphous 9,10-disubstituted anthracene derivatives for high-efficiency blue organic electroluminescence devices', Ce
Dyes and Pigments, 89, 151-161 (2011)
Invited/Plenary Talks
1. K. W. Cheah, `Organic LED as Solid State Light Source', Symposium
on Lighting – Sustainability and New Technology, April 2009, Hong Kong.
2. K. W. Cheah, `The New Light Sources for 21st Century',
Plenary Talk, 2009 International Conferences on Nanotechnology and Advanced
Materials, May 2009, Hong Kong.
3. Y. Li, J. Fan, Y. K. Cheng and K. W. Cheah, `Quenching process in
doped organic thin films', IMID09, October 2009, Seoul, Korea.
4. Y. Li, J. Fan, Y. K. Cheng and K. W. Cheah, `Quenching process in
doped organic thin films', 6th National and Chinese Organic and
Polymer Emission and Lasing Conference, November 2009, Shanghai, China.
5. Hai Hua Fan, Xiao Xiao Wang, Yi Bo Chen, Meng Lian Gong, J. Antonio Zapien and Kok Wai Cheah, ` Thermal
quenching resistance of Ca3Sc2Si3O12:
Ce3+ La3+ phosphor', The 6th International
Conference on Advanced Materials Processing, 19-23 July 2010, Lijiang, Yunnan, P. R. China.
6. G. X. Li, S. M. Chen,
K. M. Fung, S. Y. Ching and K. W. Cheah, `Novel Advanced Organic and Plasmonic
Materials and Devices', Plenary Talk,
The 9th Chinese Optoelectronics Symposium, 21-23, September 2011,
Nanchang, P. R. China.
7. K. M. Fung, S. Y.
Ching and K. W. Cheah, `Novel materials for new design OLED’, IMID 2011,
October 2011, Seoul, Korea.
8. G. X. Li, S. M. Chen,
S. Y. Ching and K. W. Cheah, `Novel plasmonic material and devices', ICOOPMA
2012, 3-7 June 2012, Nara, Japan.