Prof. ZHU Furong has been awarded “Performance Award in Research Supervision 2021”
Mr. LAN Zhaojue own the “The Best Poster Award” for the Novel Dual-Frequency Organic Photodetector Technology at the 11th A-COE, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.
Dr. WANG Yiwen own the “Best Presentation Award” at the International Symposium on Energy Science and Technology (ISEST 2018) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) Okinawa, Japan (Jan 21-27, 2018).
Dr. LAN Weixia has been awarded Yakun Scholarship Scheme for Mainland Postgraduate Students on the basis of academic merit, tenable for the academic year 2015-2016.
Dr. LAN Weixia won the Best Poster award in International Conference on Molecular Electronic Materials and Devices (MEMD2015).