External Fundings
Project Title | Funding scheme & project number | Amount | Funding Period | PI/Co-PI/Co-I |
Polymer Matrix-mediated Nanowire Networks and Photonic Structures for High-sensitivity Near-infrared Phototransistors | GRF12302817 | HK$784,347 | 2017-2020 | PI: Prof. ZHU Furong |
Stability of Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells | GRF12302419 | HK$369,179 | 2019-2022 | PI: Prof. ZHU Furong |
Near-infrared (NIR) Visualizing Technology for Fast and Portable Detection | TSSSU/HKBU/19/03/1 | HK$1,060,000 | 2019-2020 | PI: Prof. ZHU Furong |
Novel Polymeric Microfabrication Strategy for Generating Highly Weathering Resistant Self-Cleaning Coating | NSFC General Program, 51773173 | RMB$610,000 | 2018-2021 | PI: Dr. REN Kangning |
Development of a microfluidic-based luminescent switch-on probe for the detection of VEGF165 and the dynamic analysis of protein-DNA interactions | HKITC, ITS/260/16FX | HK$410,000 | 2017-2018 | Co-PI: Dr. REN Kangning |
Versatile Two-Photon Ratiometric Fluorescence Probes for Effective Bioimaging in Vitro and in Vivo | Faculty Research Grant of HKBU | HK$90,000 | PI: Prof. WONG Ricky M. S. | |
Correlative Imaging Contrast Agents for Multi-Scale in Vivo Alzheimer’s Disease Evolution | PROCORE-France/ Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong | HK$61,200 | PI: Prof. WONG Ricky M. S. | |
Unraveling the fundamental mechanism of synergistic effect in ternary bulk-heterojunction blends for photovoltaic applications | NSFC/RGC JRS 2016/17 | HK$1,192,000 | 2017-2020 | PI: Prof. SO Shu Kong |
The next generation aptamer screening system: a SMART, high yield, label-free and high throughput microfluidic platform | HKBU Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) 2016/17 (RC-IRMS/16-17/03) | HK$2,983,600 | Co-I: Dr. REN Kangning | |
Development of a microfabricated lung mimic device to study the toxicity of air pollutants | HKBU SKL-CRF, SKLP_1718_P01 | HK$600,000 | PI: Dr. REN Kangning | |
Robust Superhydrophobic Coating for Anti-icing, Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant Category II | Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant Category II, [FRG2/17-18/102] | HK$134,100 | PI: Dr. REN Kangning | |
An unrecognized crosstalk from skeletal muscle to bone: The role of skeletal muscle-derived exosomal microRNAs in regulating osteoblastic bone formation during mechanical unloading-induced muscle atrophy | HKBU Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) 2017/18 (RC-IRMS/16-17/02) | HK$2,997,620 | CO-I: Dr. REN Kangning |