LUO Peixin
Graduate of 2024
Post and Company after Graduation:
Electrical Design Engineer
ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co., Ltd.
This project has significantly enhanced my comprehension of my undergraduate major course in Electrical Engineering and Automation, broadened my knowledge regarding current energy forms and associated policies, and provided ample opportunities for independent contemplation. These experiences have facilitated a more comprehensive understanding of the global industrial green landscape within the electrical industry while enabling me to effectively apply my problem-solving skills in practical scenarios.

LIU Yifeng
Graduate of 2024
Post and Company after Graduation:
Engineering Graduate Trainee
Citybus Limited
Providing fundamental knowledge and up-to-date solutions, the programme serves as an ideal head start for anyone seeking to engage in sustainable development.

Post and Company after Graduation:
Senior Engineer
CHEN Mengxue
Graduate of 2024
The program's curriculum is extensive, and the teacher teaches in a simple and easy to understand manner, which has broadens my horizons and pointed out the direction for my career development.

Graduate of 2024
Post and Company after Graduation:
Research Engineer
Years later, quitting my job and coming to study at Hong Kong Baptist University will surely be one of my most correct decisions. Here, it has been my greatest gain to have the honor to know and become friends with all of you, my friends and teachers. At the same time, the experience of this year has allowed me to regain my confidence and move to a new job position, engaging in electricity market analysis. May all of you who have newly joined the green technology family also reap bountiful rewards~

WEI Dewen
Graduate of 2023
Post and Company after Graduation:
Electrical Design Engineer
Trina Solar Co., Ltd.

PANT Lochna
Graduate of 2023
Post and Company after Graduation:
Research Assistant
Hong Kong Baptist University
The programme provides appropriate background and solutions for solving real world problems like global warming and semiconductor crisis. It suits students from different backgrounds. … A great course with real world applications.

LI Hongjie
Graduate of 2023
Post and Company after Graduation:
Advanced Process Development Engineer
The green technology energy project starts from a student's perspective, telling the cutting-edge new energy technologies in a simple and humorous way, which has aroused my strong interest in new energy and strengthened my determination to take root in the new energy industry.

YU Jie
Graduate of 2023
Post and Company after Graduation:
Graduate Trainee
Automated Systems limited (ASL)
This Programme usually extending from the use of green energy in Hong Kong to the overview of the world, making the content easy to understand, lively and interesting.

XIAO Zifan
Graduate of 2023
Post and Company after Graduation:
Passenger Vehicle After-market
Project Management Engineer
The curriculum design offers us technical or economic pathways to finish our year of study, which gives us the flexibility of choice, whether we want to broaden our horizons or specialize in our original field.

Post and Company after Graduation: PhD Candidate at University Putra Malaysia
LIU Xinzhi
Graduate of 2022
The professional setting of green energy also organically combines new renewable energy with physics, and covers comprehensive disciplines such as semiconductor materials, solid-state physics, and organic electronics.

LI Zhen
Graduate of 2022
Post and Company after Graduation:
(The Programme) is a highly interdisciplinary course that covers different area. And it isn’t limited to green energy technology itself.
WANG Zihao Graduate of 2022
We learnt how to apply knowledge learnt in class to solve real-world problems.

Post and Company after Graduation:
MSc ( 2018 )
Zhang Tianshuo
Graduate of 2018
I spent time in the lab to learn skills and relate experimental results to concepts in physics and developed confidence.
Zhang Tianshuo obtained his MSc in Green Technology from HKBU in 2018. He came to BU as a 3+2 student in 2016.
He was inexperienced in experimental physics, but he gradually learned material and semiconductor physics through his final year and MSc projects. He spent time in the lab to learn skills and relate experimental results to concepts in physics and developed confidence.
Immediately after graduation, he received an offer and now works as a device engineer in TCL in Guangzhou, focusing on QD-LED fabrication and optimization. The basic knowledge he learned in past two years help his job seeking tremendously.

Postdoc at Queen Mary University of London, PhD in Physics 2019, MSc in Green Technology (Energy) 2016
Dr Yiwen Wang Graduate of 2016
我是香港浸會大學物理系2019屆博士畢業生,綠色科技(能源) 2016屆碩士畢業生。一年的碩士學習讓我受益良多。專業合理的課程設計,循序漸進的學習規劃,讓我對綠色能源有了更加深入的了解和認識。豐富多彩的授課方式和老師們生動形象的講解,讓我不僅能夠輕鬆掌握晦澀難懂的理論概念的同時,英過聽力和口語也得到了極大的提高,在學習之餘提升了語言表達能力。碩士期間所學的一些關於有機光電課程給了我很大的啟迪,讓我對有機光電產生了濃厚的興趣。我於2016年成功申請上香港浸會大學有機光電方向的博士,成為物理系的一名研究生。得益於綠色科技(能源)碩士課程以及導師朱福榮教授的指導,我在之後的研究工作中很快進入狀態並於2017年發表了自己的第一篇文章。在浸大博士期間,因為學校和導師的支持我還參加了很多國際交流會議以及座談會,和很多專業領域的專家一起交流合作,這對我的科研幫助很大。我於2019年取得博士學位並順利拿到了英國Queen Mary University of London的博士後Offer。非常感謝香港浸會大學物理系給我帶來的成長與機遇。

鄒國龍 (Zou Guolong)

博士研究生 (香港浸會大學)
教授 (山東大學)
項目協調員 (香港工程質量檢測中心)
楊叶 2013屆畢業生

Post and Company after Graduation:
Graduate Engineer (CM Wong & Associates Ltd)
Zhang Nairan
Graduate of 2013
All I achieved is much more than I expected.
Now I am sitting in a bright office with much work done, viewing back to the passing year I spent at HKBU. All I achieved is much more than I expected. The first time I have been taught in an international institution which changed my way of thinking and made me feel the sureness of acquiring knowledge. And the more wonderful thing is the teaching style. The instructors do not only correct my assignments, or lead me to do the project, the most critical thing is the devoted and enthusiastic way they used has greatly affected my behavior and habit. Although I am now working in an architecture firm which I do not often apply Green Technology knowledge during daily work, I’m so sure that all I learned in HKBU and in this program will benefit me not only for my job, but for me future development. I appreciate the endless help and inspiration given by the instructors in the program.

助理持續發展主任 (香港中華煤氣有限公司)
謝禕 2013屆畢業生
綠色科技(能源)課程的學習對於我來說收益匪淺。在能源環保的學習中,老師總會把一些看似枯燥的原理與實際應用相結合。我們不僅加深了對於知識的理解,還學會了如何思考和應用。尤其是一些小組合作課題,我們除了收集數據和計算,還要對與一些實際情況進行分析。這些對於我之後關於能源環保行業的認識有很大幫助, 有些甚至還運用到了現在的工作上。 平時除了課堂學習外,我們還有參觀能源企業的活動,能夠使我們在課餘時間裡了解到更多綠色能源技術的運用。

碩士研究生 (香港科技大學)
白肇文 2012屆畢業生
子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍晝夜。” 時間總是過得很快,轉眼我已經完成了在浸會大學一年的學業,即將開始新的生活。回顧在浸大這一年的生活,總體的感覺就是充實。無論是學業上,還是生活上,都有太多的知識,常識需要去學習與了解。這個過程並不簡單,特別是剛剛開始的時候,那種找不到頭緒的困惑,與無法看清楚前路的迷茫很容易讓人選擇放棄。幸運的是物理系的老師、職員和師兄們給予了我很大的幫助,幫我順利的渡過了最困難最迷茫的時光。在這裡,我想向他們再一次表達我的感謝。

張璐 2013屆畢業生

Post and Company after Graduation:
Assistant Environmental Engineer (Aurecon Group Hong Kong Ltd.)
Chloe Guo
(Right in the photo) Graduate of 2012
The influence of my professors and classmates has given me the winning spirit that has driven me to succeed both personally and professionally.
My education of Green Technology at HKBU prepared me for professional success. The influence of my professors and classmates has given me the winning spirit that has driven me to succeed both personally and professionally.
I have been fortunate to be involved in an exciting graduation project by studying on photovoltaic solar concentrator in my time at HKBU and I want to thank each teammate’s and my supervisor’s part in helping make this possible for me. Besides the graduation project, I also received a solid grounding in environmental issues; working principles and future development trend in green technology through futuristic courses. As these courses prepared me for the reality of tomorrow’s markets by equipping me with the social, environmental and economic perspectives required in a competitive and fast changing world. I really enjoyed the variety of courses as I could debate with classmates during the whole three-hour class, and on the next day I could do other interesting experiments and have proper class.
I feel my graduate experience and time in Green Technology Program was wonderful and that HKBU and the surrounding community is fortunate to have such a fine group of people, classes, and programs all under 'one' roof.
Post and Company after Graduation:
Energy Engineer (Siemens Ltd. Hong Kong)
Kwan Chi Long, Aaron Graduate of 2012
This program really can help me to develop my career in this field.
I graduated from "MSc in Green Technology (Energy)" in 2012. I am now working as an Energy Engineer. My job is related to application of new building technology for green/smart building to save energy/energy harvesting, which I have learnt so much in my study. This program really can help me to develop my career in this field. I am so happy I can enjoy this wonderful academic year with students and professors. Thank you so much.