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Congratulations to FIVE colleagues awarded General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2024/25

The Research Grants Council (RGC) announced the funding results of the General Research Fund (GRF) and the Early Career Scheme (ECS) for 2024/25. Within the Department of Physics, a total of 5 Physics researchers successfully secured 4 GRF projects and 1 ECS project. The success rate for both projects was 55.6% and the total funding received was HK$ 4,427,365. Congratulations to Physics colleagues on their remarkable achievements!


General Research Fund


Principal Investigator

Project Title


Prof SO Shu Kong

Recovering nanoscale morphological parameters of organic semiconductors using carrier transport measurement methods 


Dr Liang TIAN

Functional Robustness provides a new paradigm for structural predictability in complex networks   


Prof Changsong ZHOU

Personalized machine learning model of whole-brain dynamics from MRI structural and functional data 


Prof Furong ZHU

Multi-Polarization Sensitive Organic Photodetectors


Early Career Scheme


Principal Investigator

Project Title


Dr Shujen WANG

Strong light-matter interaction in highly ordered organic semiconductor thin films