Mini Workshop: Non-Hermitian Topology in Classical Wave Systems
08 Jul 2024
The Department of Physics at HKBU successfully organized a workshop on July 8, focusing on the intriguing theme of Non-Hermitian Topology in Classical Wave Systems. This workshop was made possible through the generous support of the Postgraduate Students Seminar Grants provided by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.
Distinguished speakers at the workshop included Prof. Kun Ding from Fudan University, Prof. Zeguo Chen from Nanjing University, Prof. Haoran Xue from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof. Ruoyang Zhang from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Dr. Tong Fu from the City University of Hong Kong.
Moreover, RGC-funded postgraduate students Xinghong Zhu from HKUST and Xulong Wang from HKBU also delivered reports on non-Hermitian physics research. The workshop also saw the active participation of Prof. Shubo Wang from CityU and other RGC-funded postgraduate students from other universities in Hong Kong.
Following the engaging presentations, Prof. Kun Ding and Prof. Zeguo Chen visited the Wave Functional Materials Laboratory in the Department of Physics at HKBU for guided discussions and interactions, enhancing the learning experience for all participants.
This mini workshop was primarily organized by RGC-funded PhD students Xulong Wang and Jianming Mai from HKBU.