The Annual Retreat of the Department of Physics
The Department of Physics held its annual retreat in the JW Marriott in Admiralty on June 24. The Department was delighted to have the Dean, Professor Jiming Liu as guest to share the Faculty/University initiatives and strategic plans. Some members also joined the retreat via zoom. Current challenges, developmental opportunities and future plans on teaching, research, career support and RAE2026 were discussed. It was foreseen that the development of the Department would be quite promising. Faculty members enjoyed the lunch buffet which also fostered some informal discussions and exchanges of ideas. The Department also invited Professor Xu Huang, Associated Dean of the School of Business to join the retreat to discuss collaborations on potential transdisciplinary programs and courses. We also invited Dr Alfred Tan from the Knowledge Transfer Office to offer Faculty members guidance on the preparation of RAE2026 by sharing some analysis of the impact cases.
We are looking forward to returning to a full retreat without masks next year!