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Prof ZHOU, Chang Song

Prof ZHOU, Chang Song, 周昌松教授

Head and Chair Professor

B.Sc., Ph.D., Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Director, Centre for Nonlinear Studies
Deputy Director, Institute of Computational and Theoretical Studies
Director, Life Science Imaging Centre (LSIC)

Current Research Interests

  1. Complex neural dynamics and neural information processing
  2. Analysis and modeling of large-sale brain networks 
  3. Structure-function relationship of brain cortical networks 
  4. Collective dynamics of complex networks 

Selected Publications

  1. R Wang, Y Fan, Y Wu, C Zhou, Heterogeneous aging trajectories within resting-state brain networks predict distinct ADHD symptoms in adults, arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13219 (2021).
  2. Chen Liu, Ge Zhao, Zihan Meng, Changsong Zhou, Xiaodong Zhu, Wei Zhang, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Hao Wu, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A Loparo, Closing the loop of DBS using the beta oscillations in cortex, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-11 (2021).
  3. R Wang, M Liu, X Cheng, Y Wu, A Hildebrandt, C Zhou, Segregation, integration, and balance of large-scale resting brain networks configure different cognitive abilities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (23) (2021).
  4. Y Zhang, C Wang, Y Yao, C Zhou, F Chen, Adaptive Reconfiguration of Intrinsic Community Structure in Children with 5-Year Abacus Training, Cerebral Cortex 31 (6), 3122-3135 (2021).
  5. Y Liang, C Song, M Liu, P Gong, C Zhou, T Knöpfel, Cortex-wide dynamics of intrinsic electrical activities: propagating waves and their interactions, Journal of Neuroscience 41 (16), 3665-3678 (2021).
  6. Yan Cui, Min Li, Bharat Biswal, Wei Jing, Changsong Zhou, Huixiao Liu, Daqing Guo, Yang Xia, Dezhong Yao, Dynamic Configuration of Coactive Micropatterns in the Default Mode Network during Wakefulness and Sleep, Brain Connectivity (2021).
  7. JFQ Sanchez, X Liu, C Zhou, A Hildebrandt, Nature and nurture shape structural connectivity in the face processing brain network, NeuroImage 229, 117736 (2021).
  8. Y Liang, C Song, M Liu, P Gong, C Zhou, T Knöpfel, Cortex-wide dynamics of intrinsic electrical activities: propagating waves and their interactions, Journal of Neuroscience (2021).
  9. R Wang, M Liu, X Cheng, Y Wu, A Hildebrandt, C Zhou, Segregation, integration and balance of large-scale resting brain networks configure different cognitive abilities, arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.00475 (2021).
  10. Y Zhang, C Wang, Y Yao, C Zhou, F Chen, Adaptive Reconfiguration of Intrinsic Community Structure in Children with 5-Year Abacus Training, Cerebral Cortex (2021).
  11. KT Li, J Liang, C Zhou, Gamma Oscillations Facilitate Effective Learning in Excitatory-Inhibitory Balanced Neural Circuits, Neural plasticity (2021).
  12. Y Chen, Q Lin, X Liao, C Zhou, Y He, Association of aerobic glycolysis with the structural connectome reveals a benefit–risk balancing mechanism in the human brain, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (1) (2021).
  13. S Huo, C Tian, M Zheng, S Guan, C Zhou, Z Liu, Spatial multi-scaled chimera states of cerebral cortex network and its inherent structure-dynamics relationship in human brain, National Science Review 8 (1), nwaa125 (2021).
  14. J Liang, T Zhou, C Zhou, Hopf Bifurcation in Mean Field Explains Critical Avalanches in Excitation-Inhibition Balanced Neuronal Networks: A Mechanism for Multiscale Variability, Frontiers in systems neuroscience 14, 87 (2020).
  15. M Lui, X Li, W Sommer, A Hildebrandt, GKB Lau, C Zhou, Sex differences in behavioral and brain responses to incongruity in emotional speech controlling for autistic traits, Biological Psychology 157, 107973 (2020).
  16. G Ouyang, C Zhou, Characterizing the brain’s dynamical response from scalp-level neural electrical signals: a review of methodology development, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-12 (2020).
  17. Daniel Kristanto, Mianxin Liu, Xinyang Liu, Wernar Sommer, Changsong Zhou*. Predicting Reading Ability from Brain Anatomy and Function: From Areas to Connections. NeuroImage, (2020), doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116966 (2020).
  18. Mianxin Liu, Xinyang Liu, Andrea Hildebrandt and Changsong Zhou*, Individual cortical entropy profile: Test–retest reliability, predictive power for cognitive ability, and neuroanatomical foundation, Cerebral Cortex Communications (2020), doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgaa015 (2020).
  19. Zedong Bi and Changsong Zhou, Understanding the computation of time using neural network models, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2020), (2020).
  20. Yuhan Chen, Zi-Ke Zhang, Yong He, and Changsong Zhou*, A Large-Scale High-Density Weighted Structural Connectome of the Macaque Brain Acquired by Predicting Missing Links, Cerebral Cortex, 2020, 1-19. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa060 (2020).
  21. Chen Liu, Changsong Zhou*, Jiang Wang*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Delayed feedback-based suppression of pathological oscillations in a neural mass model. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2923317 (2020).
  22. Yadwinder Kaur, Guang Ouyang, Martin Junge, Werner Sommer, Mianxin Liu, Changsong Zhou*; Andrea Hildebrandt*, The reliability and psychometric structure of Multi-Scale Entropy measured from EEG signals at rest and during processing of face and object recognition tasks. The Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 326, 108343 (2019).
  23. Rong Wang, Pan Lin, Mianxin. Liu, Ying Wu, Tao Zhou and Changsong Zhou*, Hierarchical Connectome Modes and Critical State Jointly Maximize Human Brain Functional Diversity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 038301 (2019).
  24. Mianxin Liu, Chenchen. Song, Yuqi Liang, Thomas Knopfel* and Changsong Zhou*, Assessing spatiotemporal variability of brain spontaneous activity by multiscale entropy and functional connectivity, Neuroimage, 198, 198-220 (2019).
  25. Zedong Bi and Changsong Zhou*, Understanding the computational difficulty of binary-weight perceptron and the advantage of input sparseness, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2019).
  26. Xiaojing Li, Andrea Hildebrandt, Werner Sommer, Oliver Wilhelm, Martin Reuter, Christian Montag, & Changsong Zhou*, Cognitive Performance in Young APOE ε4 Carriers – A Latent Variable Approach for Assessing the Genotype-Phenotype Relationship, Behavior Genetics, 10.1007/s10519-019-09961-y (2019).
  27. Yuhan Chen, Shengjun Wang, Claus C Hilgetag and Changsong Zhou*, Features of spatial and functional segregation and integration of the primate connectome revealed by trade-off between wiring cost and efficiency, PLoS Computational Biology, 13(9): e1005776 (2017).
  28. Hadiseh Nowparast Rostami, Werner Somme, Changsong Zhou, Oliver Wilhelm, Andrea Hildebrandt, Structural Encoding Processes Contribute to Individual Differences in Face and Object Cognition: Inferences from Psychometric Test Performance and Event-Related Brain Potentials, Cortex, 95, 192-210 (2017).
  29. Rostami, H. N., Saville, C. W. N., Klein, C., Ouyang, G., Sommer, W., Zhou, C., Hildebrandt, A., COMT genotype is differentially associated with single trial variability of ERPs as a function of memory type. Biological Psychology, 127, 209-219 (2017).
  30. Dongping Yang, Haijun Zhou and Changsong Zhou*, Co-emergence of Multi-scale Cortical Activities of Irregular firing, Oscillations and Avalanches Achieves Cost-efficient Information Capacity, PLoS Computational Biology 13, e1005384 (2017).
  31. Guang Ouyang, Andrea Hildebrandt, Werner Sommer*, Changsong Zhou*, “Exploiting the Intra-Subject Latency Variability from Single-Trial Event-Related Potentials in the P3 Time Range: A Review and Comparative Evaluation of Methods”, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 75, 1-21 (2017).
  32. 6. Gorka Zamora-Lopez*, Yuhan Chen, Gustavo Deco, Morten L. Kringelbach, and Changsong Zhou*, “Functional complexity emerging from anatomical constraints: the significance of network modularity and rich-clubs”. Scientific Reports, 6,38424 (2016).
  33. Yilong Zha, Tao Zhou* and Changsong Zhou*, “Unfolding collaborative human dynamics”, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113, 14627 (2016).
  34. Guang Ouyang, Werner Sommer and Changsong Zhou*, “Reconstructing ERP amplitude effects after compensating for trial-to-trial latency jitter: A solution based on a novel application of residue iteration decomposition. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 109, 9-20 (2016).
  35. Guang Ouyang, Werner Sommer, Changsong*, Sabrina Aristei, Thomas Pinkpank and Rasha Abdel Rahman, Articulation Artifacts during overt Language Production in Event-Related Brain Potentials: Description and Correction, Brain Topography, DOI 10.1007/10548-016-0515-1.
  36. Zedong Bi* and Changsong Zhou*, Spike Pattern Structure Influences Synaptic Efficacy Variability Under STDP and Synaptic Homeostasis. II: Spike Shuffling Methods on LIF Networks. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10:83 (2016).
  37. Ho Ka Chan*, Dong-Ping Yang , Changsong Zhou* and Thomas Nowotny, Burst firing enhances neural output correlation, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10:42 (2016).
  38. Wu-Jie Yuan, Jian-Fang Zhou, and Changsong Zhou*, Fast response and high sensitivity to microsaccades in a cascading-adaptation neural network with short-term synaptic depression, Physical Review E, 93, 042302 (2016).
  39. Shengjun Wang, Guang Ouyang, Jing Guang , Mingsha Zhang*, K.Y Michael Wong and Changsong Zhou*, Stochastic oscillation in self-organized critical states of small systems: sensitive resting state in neural systems. Physical Review Letters, 116, 018101 (2016).
  40. Hadiseh Nowparast Rostami, Guang Ouyang, Mareike Bayer, Annekathrin Schacht, Changsong Zhou,Werner Sommer, Dissociating the Influence of Affective Word Content and Cognitive Processing Demands on the Late Positive Potential. Brain Topography, 29, 82-93 (2016).
  41. Rajan Kashyap, Ouyang Guang, Werner Sommer and Changsong Zhou, Neuroanatomic localization of priming effects for famous faces with latency-corrected event-related potentials, Brain Research, 1632, 58-72 (2016).
  42. Zedong Bi* and Changsong Zhou*, Spike Pattern Structure Influences Synaptic Efficacy Variability Under STDP and Synaptic Homeostasis. I: Spike Generating Models on Converging Motifs. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10:14 (2016).
  43. Jian-Fang Zhou, Wujie Yuan*, Zhao Zhou and Changsong Zhou*, Model predictions of features
in microsaccade-related neural responses in a feedforward network with short-term synaptic Depression, Scientific Report 
6, 20888 (2016).
  44. Guang Ouyang, Werner Sommer* and Changsong Zhou* (2015) A toolbox for residue iteration decomposition (RIDE)—A method for the decomposition, reconstruction, and single trial analysis of event related potentials. J Neurosci Methods, 250, 7-21.
  45. Guang Ouyang, Werner Sommer* and Changsong Zhou* (2015) Updating and validating a new framework for restoring and analyzing latency-variable ERP components from single trials with residue iteration decomposition (RIDE). Psychophysiology 52, 839–856
  46. Fang Wang, Guang Ouyang, Changsong Zhou and Suiping Wang* (2015) Re-Examination of Chinese Semantic Processing and Syntactic Processing: Evidence from Conventional ERPs and Reconstructed ERPs by Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE). PLoS ONE 10, e0117324.
  47. R. Verleger, M.F. Metzner, G. Ouyang, K. Śmigasiewicz, & C.S. Zhou, “Testing the Stimulus-to-Response Bridging Function of the Oddball-P3 by Delayed Response Signals and Residual Iteration Decomposition”, NeuroImage, 100, 271-280 (2014).
  48. Z.J. Wang, Z.J. Dai, G. L. Gong, C.S. Zhou, Y. He, “Understanding Structural-Functional Relationships in the Human Brain: A Large-Scale Network Perspective”, The Neuroscientist, 21 (3), 290-305 (2015). DOI: 10.1177/1073858414537560 (2014).
  49. W.J. Yuan, J. F. Zhou , and C.S. Zhou, Network Evolution Induced by Asynchronous Stimuli through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity. PLoS ONE 8(12): e84644 (2014).
  50. Z. Wang, C.Y. Xia, S. Meloni, C.S. Zhou and Y. Moreno, “Impact of Social Punishment on Cooperative Behavior in Complex Networks”, Scientific Report, 3, 3055, (2013).
  51. W.J. Yuan, O. Dimigen, W. Sommer and C.S. Zhou, ``A model of microsaccade-related neural responses induced by short-term depression in thalamocortical synapses”, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7, 47 (2013).
  52. Y.H. Chen, S.J. Wang, C. Hilegtag and C.S. Zhou, “Trade-off between Multiple Constraints Enables Simultaneous Formation of Modules and Hubs in Neural Systems”, PLoS Computational Biology. 9(3), e1002937 (2013).
  53. G. Ouyang, G. Hermann, C.S. Zhou and W. Sommer, “Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE): a new Method to Separate ERP Components on the Basis of Latency Variability in Single Trials”, Psychophysiology, 48, 1631-1647 (2011).
  54. S. Wang, C.C. Hilgetag and C.S. Zhou, “Sustained activity in hierarchical modular neural networks: self-organized criticality and oscillations”, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 5, 30 (2011).
  55. Y. Wu, C.S. Zhou, J. Xiao, J. Kurths and H.J. Schellnhuber, “Evidence for a bimodal distribution in human communication’’, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107, 18803 (2010).
  56. C.S. Zhou, L. Zemanov´a, G. Zamora, C. Hilgetag and J. Kurths, “Hierarchical organization unveiled by functional connectivity in complex brain networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 238103 (2006).
  57. C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths, “Dynamical weights and enhanced synchronization in adaptive complex networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 164102 (2006).
  58. C.S. Zhou, A. Motter and J. Kurths, “Universality in the synchronization of weighted random networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 034101 (2006).
  59. C.S. Zhou, J. Kurths, I. Kiss, and J. Hudson, “Noise Enhanced Phase Synchronization of Chaotic Oscillators”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 014101 (2002).
  60. C.S. Zhou and J. Kurths, “Noise Induced Phase Synchronization and Synchronization Transitions in Chaotic Oscillators”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 230602 (2002).
  61. 10. C.S. Zhou, J. Kurths and B. Hu, “Array-enhanced Coherence Resonance: Nontrivial Effects of Heterogeneity and Spatial Independence of Noise”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 098101 (2001).