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Congratulations to Professor Changsong Zhou and Team on Groundbreaking Publication in Physical Review Letters

Congratulations to Professor Changsong Zhou and Team on Groundbreaking Publication in Physical Review Letters!


Massive congratulations to Professor Changsong Zhou (Department of Physics, HKBU), PhD student Mr. Zhuda Yang (Department of Physics, HKBU), and Dr. Junhao Liang (University of Tübingen), for being published a study titled Critical Avalanches in Excitation-Inhibition Balanced Networks Reconcile Response Reliability with Sensitivity for Optimal Neural Representation in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters as editor's Suggestion, which has also been covered by the Physics Magazine.

This study highlights the importance of heterogeneity in inhibitory connections as a key mechanism for achieving reliable critical avalanches and optimal signal representation. The findings demonstrate that scale-free avalanches in neural systems is not only a marker of the physical scaling law of the criticality, but also directly contributes to the neural representation. 

This work addresses a fundamental question in neuroscience and physics about how criticality supports reliable neuronal representation. It provides a foundation for understanding how the neuronal computation is implemented by the burst or scale-free avalanche, also extends our understanding of the functional benefits of neural criticality, offering insights into the computational principles of natural and artificial systems. 

From all us in Department of Physics, congratulations for this achievement!

