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17 Oct


19/11/2022 Outreach STEM Activities: Teaching renewable energy concepts and recordings of renewable energy related educational videos

Story: A STEM workshop was conducted on 19/11/2022 for teaching i) theoretical aspects and experimental procedure of STEM / renewable energy (RE) related activities, and ii) recordings of education videos for potentially greater impact and deeper student engagement into RE education.

The direct beneficial number of students are 8 school students and 1 school teacher, but potentially, we expect there will be more number of indirect beneficiaries. Group photo and STEM activity photos are illustrated below.


Fig 1. Group photo on 19/11/2022.

Fig 2. HKBU students were teaching school students theoretical concepts of physics and renewable energy (1).Fig 3. HKBU students were teaching school students theoretical concepts of physics and renewable energy (2).
Fig 4. HKBU students were teaching school students theoretical concepts of physics and renewable energy (3).
Fig 5. HKBU students act as a team leader for guiding school students in recording education videos (1).
Fig 6. HKBU students act as a team leader for guiding school students in recording education videos (2).


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