Past Events
19 Oct
11/10/2023 Outreach STEM Activities: Workshop on Building Materials for Energy Efficiency Improvement
Outreach STEM Activities: Workshop on Building Materials for Energy Efficiency Improvement
Collaborators: Department of Physics and Carmel Bunnan Tong Memorial Secondary School
18 Oct
03-04/04/2023 Outreach STEM Activities: Teaching renewable energy concepts and recordings of renewable energy related educational videos
Outreach STEM Activities: Teaching renewable energy concepts and recordings of renewable energy related educational videos
Collaborators: Department of Physics and Hong Kong Teachers Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School
17 Oct
19/11/2022 Outreach STEM Activities: Teaching renewable energy concepts and recordings of renewable energy related educational videos
Outreach STEM Activities: Teaching renewable energy concepts and recordings of renewable energy related educational videos
Collaborators: Department of Physics and St. Teresa Secondary School
16 Oct
21-22/07/2022 Outreach STEM Activities: Energy Harvesting from Doing Exercises
Outreach STEM Activities: Energy Harvesting from Doing Exercises
Collaborators: Department of Physics and Hong Kong Teachers Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School
15 Oct
02/06/2022 Outreach STEM Activities: Workshop on Building Materials for Energy Efficiency Improvement
Outreach STEM Activities: Workshop on Building Materials for Energy Efficiency Improvement
Collaborators: Department of Physics and the EDB of the HKSAR