03 Dec
Honorary Doctorate Distinguished Lecture by Professor Steven Chu

Professor Steven Chu
Climate Change and Innovative Paths to a Sustainable Future
Speaker: Professor Steven Chu
Professor, Stanford University
Nobel Laureate in Physics 1997
HKBU Honorary Doctorate Degree Recipient 2021
Date: Dec 3, 2021 (Friday)
Time: 09:00-10:30 a.m. GMT+8 (Hong Kong Time)
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Click here to watch the video of Honorary Doctorate Distinguished Lecture.
The multiple industrial and agricultural revolutions have profoundly transformed the world. However, the unintended consequence of these revolutions is that we are changing the climate of Earth. Recent data on climate change will be presented that indicates that the Earth’s climate is more sensitive and is changing faster than previously. In addition to the climate risks, we face many challenges how to provide enough clean energy, water, air and food of a world of 7.7 billion people and likely to grow to 11 billion by 2100. Most of the talk will discuss the technical challenges and potential solutions that could provide better paths to a sustainable future. How the transition from where we are now to where we need to be within 30 and 50 years is arguably the most pressing set of issues that science and innovation has to address.
All Interested Are Welcome!
Click here to download the poster
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