29 May
One-Day Research Postgraduate Workshop 2019
One-Day Research Postgraduate Workshop 2019
On 29 May 2019, more than 30 research postgraduate students, academic and research staff member of the Department participated in the annual One Day Research Postgraduate Workshop. The Workshop is held every year and aims to provide an opportunity for our RPg students to present their research work and enhance the experience and idea sharing among Department members.
During the event, students shared their fruitful research discoveries and results with each other in forms of Oral and Poster Presentations. Staff member and students also took this precious opportunity to ask questions in the Q&A sessions and shared insights with each other. Mr Liang Junhao (Research Assistant) and Mr LI Ning (PhD, year 3), were awarded the Best Oral and Poster Presentation Award respectively for their outstanding performance. The Workshop was followed by lunch reception and prize presentation ceremony, whereby students and staff members had a fabulous time of mingling.
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